September 2020


September 2020 Newsletter

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The agenda has been posted, and registration is open for the IXPUG Annual Conference 2020. Sign up for this lively experience as we hear from IXPUG members, Intel, and industry experts about successes and challenges surrounding application performance and scalability, tuning and optimization on large-scale HPC systems, accelerators, system hardware beyond the processor, software tools, programming models, and more — all with a focus on Intel platforms. At IXPUG events, we champion an interactive, open forum, with plenty of live Q&A encouraged. Invite your colleagues! Attendees will also have access to Slack channels during the conference to continue the conversation. While we’ll miss seeing each other in person, there is so much to hear about and participate in together this year. Check out these highlights:

  • Keynote: The Landscape of Modern Parallel Programming Using Open Standards
  • Keynote: How HPC Developers Using SYCL Need to Deal with Data Movement
  • Tutorials on deep learning workloads, performance tuning best practices, oneAPI, DPC++, Roofline analysis, and much more!

Conference dates: October 13–16, 2020

Location: Online, virtually hosted by TACC

Event details:


Webinars and Podcasts

  • Podcast: Understanding Our World through GROMACS – Erik Lindahl, Biophysics Professor at Stockholm University & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Roland Schulz, Parallel Software Engineer at Intel discuss molecular dynamics simulation using GROMACS and the significance of the Folding@home project. Part I of II.
  • Podcast: Porting Math Libraries Across Heterogeneous Architectures Julia Sukharina, Senior Engineering Manager at Intel, and Mehdi Goli, Principal Software Engineer at Codeplay Software, talk about a collaborative project to make portability across heterogeneous platforms possible, and Mehdi dives into his work to enable the first math library implementation for #oneAPI on Nvidia GPUs.
  • Webinar: Hybrid Parallel Programming for HPC Clusters with MPI and DPC++ – In this session, Intel software specialists Karl Qi and Loc Nguyen will cover the landscape, clarifying how these two distinct standards—MPI and DPC++—can be effectively used together to (1) communicate between nodes and (2) accelerate computation on a single node using available accelerators. (Wednesday, September 23, 2020 | 9:00-10:00AM PT)
  • Webinar: Explore GPU acceleration in the Intel® DevCloud – Join Intel software application engineers Anant Sinha and Alberto Villareal for a tour through the entire oneAPI workflow of GPU-focused acceleration (Monday, November 9, 2020 | 9:00-10:00AM PT)


  • IXPUG is an independent users group whose mission is to provide a forum for the free exchange of information that enhances the usability and efficiency of scientific and technical applications running on HPC, AI, and data analytics systems using advanced Intel technologies. IXPUG is administered by representatives of member sites that operate large Intel-based HPC systems.
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