IXPUG Birds of a Feather (BOF) session at SC16

Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016 from 12:15-1:15 p.m, Room 355-F

Optimizing Performance on Many-Core Processors: Unleashing the Power of the Intel® Xeon Phi and Beyond

Agenda: (PDFs linked for each presentation)

Title Presenter, Organization Format

IXPUG Welcome

Richard Gerber, IXPUG President PDF

Xeon Phi Refresher

John Pennycook, Intel PDF

Performance evaluation of Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) on Intel Knights Landing Processor (KNL)

George S. Markomanolis

Saber Feki, KAUST


Looking at Clustering and MCDRAM options on large applications John Levesque, Cray PDF
3D FEM for Solid Mechanics on Knights Landing and Omni Path Architecture Toshihiro Hanawa, University of Tokyo PDF
Automatic deep performance understanding of deep learning codes in multi- and many-core processors Tareq Malas, Berkeley Lab PDF

Optimizing Molecular Dynamics and Stencil mini-applications for Intel’s Knights Landing

Kavitha Chandrasekar, UIUC PDF


SC'16 BOF Direct Link: Optimizing Performance on Many-Core Processors: Unleashing the Power of the Intel® Xeon Phi and Beyond 


Lightning Talks

The Intel eXtreme Performance Users Group (IXPUG) is soliciting proposals for 5-minute “lightning talks” on experiences configuring, using, and benchmarking Knight’s Landing clustering modes and high bandwidth memory (MCDRAM), to be presented at the IXPUG Birds of a Feather at SC16.

The Knight’s Landing architecture and supporting software gives users a number of choices to help their applications achieve enhanced performance. The IXPUG Birds of a Feather at SC16 will focus on user experiences on two related topics: usage of the KNL clustering modes (e.g. quadrant/hemisphere, SNC-4/SNC-2) and MCDRAM usage (e.g. flat vs. cache mode).

We are especially interested in real-world experiences with full applications.


Important Dates

  • Oct. 26, 2016: Abstracts/proposals due
  • Oct. 31, 2016: Notification of selected talks
  • Nov. 7, 2016: Presentation drafts due
  • Nov. 14, 2016: Final presentations due
  • Nov. 16, 2016; SC16 Birds of a Feather