IXPUG Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Session 

Tuesday, November 14th, 5:15pm - 7pm

Denver Convention Center, Room 603 

Recent deployments of large-scale Intel Xeon Phi processor (Knight Landing)-based systems have provided users with early experiences on many-core processors. This BoF, conducted by the Intel eXtreme Performance Users Group (IXPUG), will provide a forum for application and tool developers, HPC center staff, and industry experts to discuss their successes and challenges. This BoF will showcase code optimization successes, particularly, how to achieve usability, scalability and productivity on KNL-based systems through invited talks, a panel session and a community Q&A. IXPUG is an independent users group for anyone interested in application performance on the Intel Xeon Phi.

BOF Agenda: 

5:15 - 5:20     Welcome (Hai Ah Nam, Los Alamos National Laboratory, IXPUG Steering Committee)

5:20 - 5:30     Keynote:  Intel Xeon Phi Roadmap Update (Thor Sewell, Intel Director of Marketing)  [PDF]

5:30 - 5:40     Invited Speaker: A QCD Performance Portability Study using Kokkos (Balint Joo, Jefferson Lab) [PDF

5:40 - 5:50     Invited Speaker: 45-Qubit Quantum Simulations on Intel Xeon Phi (Thomas Haner, ETH Zurich) [PDF]

5:50 - 6:00    Invited Speaker: MPI/OpenMP Parallelization of GAMESS on KNL (Yury Alekseev, Argonne National Laboratory) [PDF]

6:00 - 6:10     Invited Speaker: Earthquake Simulations on Intel Xeon Phi (Alex Heinecke, Intel) [PDF]

6:10 - 6:25    Panel Session with Invited Speakers (Moderator:  Doug Doerfler, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

6:25 - 6:40    Community Q&A Session (Moderator:  Estela Suarez, Forschungszentrum Juelich)

6:40 - 6:45    Closing 


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