
IXPUG Fall Workshop Survey - 2017

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this workshop evaluation. Your comments will enable us to better plan and execute future conferences and tailor them to meet your needs.

1. How did you hear about this conference?*

2. Please specify the main reason for attending this conference: (select all that apply)*

3. Which Topic(s) were most interesting to you? (Check up to 5)*

4. Did the conference fulfill your reason for attending?*

5. What was the most beneficial aspect of the conference?*

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6. Would you recommend this conference to others?*

7. Please indicate your overall satisfaction with this conference*

Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Conference Content
Registration Process
Food & Beverage

8. What topics or themes are of interest to you for the next IXPUG Workshop?*

Remaining Characters: 500

Personal Details

Remaining Characters: 500

If you know of any colleagues who might be interested in any of these conferences, please provide your colleague's name and institution.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this evaluation.